Monday, February 28, 2011

CHECKLIST: Are You Ready To Expand Your Business To China?

kfc china

Use this guide to determine if you are ready to begin a new venture in China.

1. Do you have a product that has a current and growing demand in the China market?

One way to evaluate potential demand for your technology, product or service is to determine if it fits with China’s current  development plans, including its government supported 5 Year Plan for economic development. The timing and relevancy of your product is important. Entering the market when there is government supported demand for your product will increase the likelihood of your success.  

2. Do you have the resources, both in terms of financial and human capital to invest in an effort abroad?

Expanding your business internationally can be a source of huge growth.  But, it comes with a necessary upfront investment.  Having the capital to begin an operation in a new place is one component.  In addition, having capable people with time to devote to the initiative is equally important.  Be sure to designate specific people as the key players in your move to China.  

3. Do you have the capacity to sustain an ongoing initiative abroad?

Closely related to the point made just above, does your company have the capability to have a staff member  be the contact point between your home office and your China office? Developing a clear channel of communication between your operations in China and your home office is crucial to your success in China.  

4. Do you have the proper partner or team in China?

Having the right people working with you in China can set you up for success.  This team can be formed in any number of arrangements, whether it be a joint venture with a Chinese firm, an office with qualified staff , or a consultant hired to assist you. Having support from those experienced in the market will be a huge advantage to your company.  As is any new market, China poses unique challenges which can be abated by enlisting the assistance of specialists.  

5. Do you have the flexibility and willingness to adapt to working in another culture?

Having the right attitude and understanding that business might be done in different ways internationally is important to keep in mind.  When doing business in China, expect to encounter differences in human resources, government policies, and the legal system as well as the language. Being open to learning local values, customs and maybe even a few Chinese phrases will make your transition to the Chinese market far smoother.  

If you were able to answer yes to all of the questions posed above, you may be ready to begin a new operation in China.  Take a look at the article “Six Things To Do When Launching A Business In China” for some practical suggestions as you move forward.  

If you answered yes to several of the questions above, entering China’s growing market could still be for you.  It is important to be fully prepared before you make the move, so continue to ask yourself the questions listed above and determine what you still need to do before you are ready for business in China.  As you take the time to make further preparations, take a look at “The 5 Biggest Challenges Businesses Face When They Expand To China” and “” to give you more information about how to approach sales and marketing in China. 

By Anthony Goh and Sarah Burnham. Mr. Goh is President and Ms. Burnham is Business Development and Communications Associate at US-Pacific Rim International, Inc.(

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25 Unusual Methods For Making A Trillion Dollars

I hate self-help books. And any books or articles or “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”  (or “Power of Now”) stuff that don’t really speak from experience and don’t really give you specific steps towards achievement.

When you have a gun to your head, with two kids, a mortgage, and your entire self-esteem at risk, you need PRACTICAL methods for moving forward. And you need them from someone who can speak from experience and say, “this works.”

Practical doesn’t mean: “incorporate your company, hire programmers, etc”. And it doesn’t mean “appreciate the moment”. Once that moment is over you have the rest of your life to worry about. Practical means building the basic foundation that I know for a fact creates wealth. I’ve had the gun to my head. And it even fired. But I dodged the bullet because of the below.

Claudia recently wrote a similar article so I decided to rewrite hers with my own take on the topic.

1) Find Your Passion.  This is very very hard. The first step is doing the Daily Practice I outlined a few posts ago. But, to summarize, you need to be healthy (you can’t be passionate if you’re sick all the time). You need no emotional drama in your life. Zero! You need to keep the idea muscle from atrophying. And you need to have some sort of spiritual practice. This Daily Practice above is the Starting Point for finding your passion. And only the starting point.

2) Trust. This is similar to “giving”. You need to share your ideas for free, trusting that the returns to you will be worth much more than if anyone steals your ideas. Ideas need to mate with other ideas to generate children. Its those children and their descendants that become the real ideas that drive the next generation of innovation. In order for your ideas to mate, you need to trust sharing them with others. More on how to get ideas to mate:

3) Learn to Receive. Claudia mentions this as being able to “take a compliment” which is true. But one step further: learn to accept the fact that you don’t need to move up linearly in salary at your job. If you follow the Daily Practice and begin to generate value through ideas, and learn to promote yourself (see below), then your value to your organization (or, most likely, any other organization but the one you are currently with) goes up exponentially if you learn how to promote your ideas.

4) Bless that which you want. This is Claudia’s polite way of saying, “Don’t be jealous”. I read a story as a kid: two people were walking by the executive dining room at their corporation. One guy said, “look at those jerks. Eating in their own lunchroom.” And the other guy said, “I’m fine with them eating there. I’m going to eat there one day.” Never be jealous of what you want. It puts a huge dividing line between you and THEM. Admiring the qualities you want to achieve instead of being jealous of them is the only way to achieve them. Catch yourself today anytime you are jealous of people who have more. Reverse it. Build that into your daily practice.

5) Prayer. This does not mean “pray to god” (although it could). For me it means spending a few seconds devoting yourself to something other than your base needs and desires. For me, its sometimes as simple as repeating to myself when I wake up, “Help me save at least one life today.” Which has some arrogance in it (I pretend I’m a superhero) but the basic motive is the same – the first goal of the day is to help someone other than myself. Everyday I know I’ll be a superhero and save at least one life. But the key is to look for the opportunity. Keep your eyes open all day for that life you need to save. Else someone will die.

6) Visualization. If you visualize you’re rich, you won’t necessary get rich. But if you constantly visusalize you’re poor, its certain you will have such an overwhelming feeling of scarcity that you won’t be able to overcome. I have problems with a “scarcity complex”.  I’ve sold three profitable businesses and I always joke I’m the only guy who ever sold an internet company on the basis of a multiple of earnings (as opposed to the super-inflated valuations everyone else gets). Its hard for me to step up and really say I deserve more. Visualizing the life you want and deserve is a good way to prepare for those moments where you have a real opportunity to make the leap to that life instead of settling for less. One way to visualize is, of course, with a list. Make a list of the 10 things you want in your life by next year. Visualize how those things can happen. And then take one step forward today towards achieving those things. I try to do this every day and it works. Today I’m going to try and find one more high-traffic place to syndicate my columns.

7) Meditation. This goes hand in hand with visualization. And its important. Without getting into the specifics of meditation (I write about it here ) you want to clear your head of the non-stop chatter that gets in the way of your success. Clearing the head lets ideas from the subconscious get closer to the conscious mind. It helps the ideas from one part of your brain mate with ideas from the other part. Its also good practice for getting your mind back into focus during the day when those inevitable “scarcity complex” moments come up where you feel undeserving of the riches you are destined to get. I often find myself in the “Why me” syndrome. Building a meditation practice is good practice for pulling your head back during those moments.

8) Studying a spiritual text. There’s been a million bands created since 1960. But only a handful of  bands have withstood the test of time so we still listen to them today. The Beatles. Pink Floyd. U2, etc. Similarly, there’s been millions of prophets, self-help gurus, advice columns, etc since 5000 BC but only a few have withstood the test of time. Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Jesus, and a handful of others. Why did they withstand the test of time? Who knows. But that’s why they are worth reading. A little bit each day. Currently I am reading Karen Armstrong’s book “12 Steps to a Compassionate Life”, which surveys many of the major philosophies.

9) Trust, part II. If something happens, and you’ve been following the core Daily Practice mentioned above, then trust that things are going in the right direction. In 2009 I started a company, 140Labs. We were going to make twitter-related sites. For instance, we made, a dating site for twitter. I had a first round of $500,000 raised and mostly wired in. The morning we were going to close the round I had an overwhelming feeling that this was not a good idea and not how I wanted to spend the next three years of my life. My body was physically shaking as I woke up. So I trusted that moment. I returned the money that had been sent in, canceled the raise, shut down the company (you can still see, and moved on, at about $50,000 personal expense to myself. Trusting yourself and the cues your body and mind are telling you despite great grief it could cause (partners, investors, etc were disappointed in me, not to mention my bank account) is the best way to find success. I ended up having a great year despite that loss of money and time.

10) Giving. See Give and You Shall Receive

11) Say Yes. In a prior article I mentioned I always say “No” to anything I don’t want to do. But, with an important caveat. I almost always say “Yes” to new experience, even to the point of throwing myself into that experience. That’s how stories are generated, that’s how real knowledge is generated so new ideas can be formed with your old ones. This is how life becomes interesting. I never wanted to go to India before in my life. Last month I went and it was well worth it. I always look forward to meeting new people. And I always look forward to the next surprise I say “Yes” to.

Don’t forget: for our whole lives everyone around us gave us great examples about what it looks like to be “unhappy”. Now you have to say “Yes” to happiness. Its hard because nobody taught us how to. That’s why you have to say “Yes” to new experiences. Since each new thing might teach us that elusive happiness. Here are some ideas on shaking things up.

12) Learn the value of money. I think I express it best in the post, “How it Feels to be Rich”.

13) Bless Money. You always hear, “money is the root of all evil”. Its actually not. Money creates jobs, creates products that improve the quality of life, money can be given to charity, money can be given to our children so they hopefully live better lives than we did. Money can be used to pay for healthcare for ourselves and our family. My biggest regret in life is during a low point, not having the money I felt was required to really help my dad recover from a stroke. I’m devastated by that still. Money doesn’t solve all of your problems, but it does solve your money problems.

14) Be grateful. Exercise your idea muscle right now. Can you think of 32 things you are grateful for? Can you do that again every day? I find this to be a useful prayer.

15) Do yoga. This is from Claudia’s post. At the very least, exercise is important for three important reasons:

  1. All evidence suggests that people who exercise live longer. (See, How to Live Forever)
  2. You’ll be more confident and it will show
  3. When you exercise you often have to deal with short-term situations when your body is in extreme pain. You have to breathe through those situations (whether its yoga, lifting weights, doing 100 pushups, shooting baskets, etc). this is great practice for breathing through those difficult situations that often come up in life.

Yoga specifically I find to be very interesting. It exercises the muscles. Its continuous (so a half hour yoga session is often equivalent to a 1 hour gym session where there are breaks between using the different machines) and it forces you to breathe deeply in often incredibly difficult-to-get-into positions, a necessary tool for life. Additionally, breathing in those positions forces oxygen into parts of your body that are not used to it.

Here’s my take on how Yoga Completely Humiliated Me

16) Dedication. Part of my prayer in the morning of “Save a life” is I dedicate my day to a “higher power”. I hate using that word. It sounds like a new age phrase. But whatever. Call it “The Force”. Its not so bad to try and imagine the Force working through you. Try it for a day or two.

17) Add value to others. This is part of the “give” point above but deserves its own point. It’s a rule of the universe that you can only create value for yourself if you stridently attempt to create even more value for others. The only way I’ve ever made money was by creating something that had lasting value for others. Every other attempt at a shortcut failed miserably.

18) Offer for free. I always want to be as honest as possible. If I’m offering something for free, there’s no bullshit. I don’t have to convince anyone of anything. Its free. Either take it or not. Then, if people take it, I learn from it, the ideas get better, the service improves, I get to know the audience better, word of mouth gets better, etc. Even in a consulting business, get your foot in the door with such good ideas that the door becomes wide open. Then you can charge. I once had a client that I visited once a month for over a year before I made a single dime off of him. Then, in one chunk, I made $750,000 from him. As the great Barry Ritholz has told me, “Never let a whale off the hook”.

19) Learn to charge for services. When I started a company building websites the hardest part was learning how to charge. I quickly found out I was charging about 1/100 of what my competitors were charging (Razorfish,, etc) and was able to adjust accordingly. But it was hard. I’m a salesman. So my whole goal was to always close the deal and get the client to say “Yes”. The lower the price, the easier to get them to say “yes” (in most cases). Learning to balance this has been my life-long challenge.

20) Promote yourself. This is easy advice but hard to follow. How do you promote yourself? One thing is by learning how to write. Most bloggers/businessmen out there don’t know how to write. I would say on a scale of 0 to 10 most people are a 1 at best. The first step in promoting yourself, believe it or not, is reading high quality writing. Read stories by Raymond Carver, essays by David Foster Wallace or Malcolm Gladwell. Read as much good writing as you can get your hands on. You need to be able to express yourself in order to promote yourself. In order to express yourself well you need to be a good writer and communicator. And don’t forget these important rules for good writing:

  1. After you are done with your post, take out the first paragraph and last paragraph. Almost certain that it will read better.
  2. Along those lines, try to take out every other sentence.
  3. Bleed a little in each post (i.e. a personal story that shows you’re human like the rest of us)
  4. Provide value. Make sure you aren’t regurgitating something written somewhere else on the entire World Wide Web. Really create something new. Else, don’t write. Never say anything that doesn’t add value. Else, you are wasting everyone’s time.

And then, key, try to distribute/syndicate in as many places as possible. But only after you have followed the above rules. This will build the ability to promote yourself.

21) Brush your teeth. Nobody wants to give money to people with bad breath. Its just a fact of life. The same goes for cleaning up your workspace. And try to dress as cleanly as possible. This is almost impossible for me. I tend to appear disheveled no matter what I do. But I try. Here’s a site I made a few years ago, crowd-sourcing an ad for Crest toothpaste. Just for fun. Crest had nothing to do with it.

22) Ask. When I started my first business, Reset, I asked corporate customers what it is they wanted to achieve with a website. I listened as much as possible without talking. And then I would come back with ideas, hopefully enhancing even further the ideas they had about their own website presence. Asking, then listening, is the first steps towards creating value for someone else. Someone recently wrote me asking me for so-and-so’s email address. But in his letter to me he gave no reason why he wanted it, provided no value, and was clearly not concerned with why so-and-so would have any interest in talking to him. So I deleted the email.

23) Ideas. I stress this in a billion other posts but specifically, find ten people you want to do business with, list them, then list ten ideas you think can improve their business. Realistically think about how they (or you) can execute on those ideas. They have to be easy to execute. List how they can execute each idea. Do this every day. Whittle down the lists. Send each list out to the people you want to help. Before you know it, you will have a business helping people. This is a guarantee. Helping people is also the fastest way to profits. Its also a guarantee that if you don’t exercise that idea muscle, it will atrophy. Quickly.

24) Laughter. I give a lot of public talks. I try to follow the 50-50 rule. 50% real value, 50% laughter. Make sure people laugh. Most of the time they only remember what made them laugh. But every now and then real value slips in. How do you make people laugh if you aren’t funny? Learn how to be funny:

  1. Get a list of funny books and read them. Start with something smart and funny, like Kurt Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle”. Something more contemporary is anything by Nora Ephron or Ariel Leve. Or books by comedians, like Seinlanguage, Jim Norton’s books, etc.
  2. Watch on youtube funny standup. Anything. Richard Pryor is great. Seinfeld is great. Anything.
  3. Watch funny movies. My current favorite: “Superbad”. My current favorite funny sitcom: “Arrested Development”.
  4. There are actual books on how to be funny. “The Standup Bible” (or “Comedy Bible”) by Judy Carter is one.
  5. Watch “Jon Stewart”. He’s the best. Study how he pauses often. Even his silences are funny.

People will want to work with you, buy your company, give you money, etc, if you do the 50-50 rule. Provide value, and make them laugh. A lot of companies can provide value. But you stand out if you can also provide laughter.

25) Surrender. You want something. Badly. But if all you do is think about it, you’ll never get it. Visualize exactly what it is that you want, and then give it up to the universe that you will get it. I know this again sounds corny, new-agey, but its on solid ground. If you obsess you’ll be too fixated on what you want to be able to change directions at a moment’s notice.

Being able to change and trust that the change is correct is critical. In June, 2006, I received an offer for the fund of funds I was running. It was a healthy offer of about 15% of assets when similar companies were being acquired for 3% of assets. Millions of dollars.

But they wanted me to stay locked up for six years. I couldn’t sign myself up for slavery. So my business partner and I said “no”. Then we wondered, “What the hell?” We just spent several years building up a business that had no equity value unless we agreed to indentured slavery. So we switched directions on the spot. We created several websites, and one after the other, if they didn’t take off immediately, we stopped it.

Eventually one took off. More on that in another story. But we knew that we were putting in the right effort, the right daily practice, we knew what we wanted, but we had to surrender that the results might not come in the way we expected. The key was to not get disappointed. The way you don’t get disappointed along the way is to know that you’ve surrendered to a higher power (or even better, you’ve surrendered to the fact that your Daily Practice has made you equipped for the long-term to generate success).

The above 25 methods are difficult. Most people can’t do them. And don’t set yourself up for goals you can’t achieve. But a constant attempt to do the above will allow anyone to conquer the obstacles in this way. I don’t believe in self-help. But I certainly believe in helping myself. This is the way I do it.

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Educated Women Get Paid Less Than Uneducated Men -- And 8 More Higher-Ed Scandals

law school student

Getting into college -- the more competitive the better -- ensures you will have a successful life, or so you're told.

Throw gender and other factors into the mix, however, and the picture becomes less clear.

One recent study shows a disappointing return for elite colleges, especially for women. Another study shows a disproportionate disadvantage for college binge drinkers that are women. Other studies show that college students don't really learn much.

Women with associate degrees earn less than men who didn't go to college

Researchers found that women with associate degrees from community colleges made about $10,000 less five years after graduation than men who didn't graduate from college.

Women with associate degrees made $27,377 on average in 2007, while men without a degree earned $37,745.

Berkeley Law professor Mary Ann Mason blames the pay gap on family structures: "Even as women have increasingly become breadwinners, however, they have not abdicated their role as family caregivers...Denied flexibility, many women are also denied raises and promotions, with the wage gap widening as a result."

Source: Frankie Santos Laanan and Soko Starobin (2010)

Women who attend elite colleges have lower starting salaries than women who go to safety schools

This comes from a study that compared "elite colleges" to schools with a 100-point lower SAT average.

By the mid-eighties, women who attended an elite school in 1976 were earning 7% less than women who attended safety schools.

Economist Robin Hanson suggested that "women at more elite colleges married richer classmate men, and so felt less need to earn money themselves." However, by late in life women who attended elite schools were earning 57% more than those who didn't.

Source: Stacy Dale and Alan B. Krueger (2011)

Men who attend elite colleges see an 11% boost to salary right away

Men immediately see a strong return from an elite degree. At the beginning of their career, these men earn 11% more than their peers at safety schools; by the end, they earn 83% more.

Source: Stacy Dale and Alan B. Krueger (2011)

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Nintendo 3DS gets torn apart and hacked a day after Japanese launch

So you just got a Nintendo 3DS following its launch in Japan -- what do you do? While most would be content to simply pass the time with Pilotwings for at least a few days, others are a bit more... curious. In that group you'll find the folks from Tech-On!, who have already torn the handheld apart and even gone the extra mile to examine its 3D display under a microscope -- they assume it's a Sharp parallax barrier display, but weren't able to confirm it as such. As if that wasn't enough for a day-old system, YouTube user ayasuke2 has already hacked the system use R4 cards and run unauthorized Nintendo DS games. Head on past the break for some video evidence of that, and hit up the source link below for the complete teardown.

Continue reading Nintendo 3DS gets torn apart and hacked a day after Japanese launch

Nintendo 3DS gets torn apart and hacked a day after Japanese launch originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Innovation: YouTube?s Technique

The pressure is on for businesses to foster innovation. Google does this by allowing their engineers 20% of their work time for exploring new ideas. But one of Google’s most popular companies, YouTube, found they had a hard time getting their engineers to actually take their 20% innovation time. So bi-annually, YouTube has a week dedicated solely to innovation. Engineers are given free range for one week to test out their new ideas on 1% of users (Are you a guinea pig? If you aren’t seeing any advertisements while on YouTube, you are). One outcome that came out of innovation week was correcting a video’s aspect ratio by adding black bars to the side. Another was the audio comment preview, which earned that engineer “The Awesome Cup”, a giant award cup that resides on the desk of the engineer who has the latest awesome discovery.

It’s a good thing that YouTube is trying to set aside time for innovation, but trying to jam in creativity during one week’s time seems a little jarring; it’s missing a fundamental truth of innovation. It takes time for an innovative idea to come to fruition. Steven Johnson argues in his book, Where Good Ideas Come From, that innovative ideas start out as slow hunches that need time to incubate. Is a week enough time for a hunch to grow into a really good idea? Also, are these engineers working by themselves to come up and test good ideas? Johnson suggests that the best work spaces are those where workers from different departments communicate with each other so that they can be sparked with new ideas. Johnson’s preference would be having a coffee shop-like atmosphere where people can engage in conversation, exposing them to a chaotic environment where hunches can collide and become ideas. One company known for innovation, Apple, seems to be following some of these ideas by taking their time with presenting new products and having designers and engineers work together to create an amazing product.

So is it better to work on an idea once a week or have one solid week to really work on your ideas? Is working alone pointless when it comes to innovation? Must we engage with others in order for ideas to combine with other ideas? How do your amazing ideas form?

Curt Finch is the CEO of Journyx. Learn more about incorporating innovative ideas into the workplace at Journyx's Project Management Blog.


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Photojojo's Clever Use of Reflectors to Magnify Light


In the photography studio I run, I've got a seven-foot Octobank similar to this:


The concept behind it is simple. You have a strobe with a small flashtube bulb, just a few inches in diameter, that puts out a blast of light when it's fired. The inside of the Octobank is lined with reflective material, like that on the inside of this umbrella:


That giant cloud of reflected light then goes through a big white diffuser on the business end of the Octobank, like this one:


And the result is a massive amount of light -- able to emulate sunlight in certain shots -- from a relatively tiny flashtube.

This principle is being put to good effect by Photojojo with their Ring Flash Adapter. An ordinary ring flash, which encircles your lense and throws a halo-like light on your subject, is its own light source; PhotoJojo's clever accessory is merely a system of channels and reflectors, relying instead on your on-camera flash to provide the power. It's brilliant, both literally and figuratively, and cheap as heck at just $40. (A regular ring flash can run into the hundreds.)



via gadgetlab



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INSTANT MBA: Challenge Employees And They'll Rise To The Occasion

Richard FainToday's lesson comes from Richard D. Fain, chairman and CEO of Royal Caribbean Cruises:

"My experience is that people love to be challenged. If the challenge is reasonable, or even slightly unreasonable, they love it and they rise to the occasion.

People love to be challenged and they love to show off their skills and talents."

Want your business advice featured in Instant MBA? Submit your tips to Be sure to include your name, your job title, and a photo of yourself in your email. Get Instant MBA Delivered To Your Inbox

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Volkswagen Bulli Concept is a Microbus redux for Geneva

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Volkswagen Bulli Concept
Volkswagen Bulli - Click above for high-res image gallery

Remember the 2001 Volkswagen Microbus concept? For those who need reminding, it was a new look at an old icon - one that got enthusiasts and the automotive press all hot and bothered right after we ticked over into the new millennium. Sadly, management changes at Volkswagen killed the concept before it could become a reality.

Now, a decade later, VW is trying out the concept again at this year's Geneva Motor Show. This time it's called the Volkswagen Bulli, and like its 2001 ancestor, this one is designed to carry on the legacy of the brand's famous Microbus. This Geneva concept packs a 113-horsepower electric motor drawing power from a lithium-ion battery pack. At full charge, the Bulli is said to be theoretically good for 186 miles before a recharge. When it's time for more juice, VW says the Bulli can be fully charged in less than an hour.

Volksagen Bulli concept interiorThe Bulli's skin stays fairly true to the original Microbus shape, which means a flat load floor and plenty of interior space. Even old-school Samba fans will notice the family resemblance. Inside, VW supplied the Bulli with a removable iPad that controls the stereo, navigation, bluetooth and HVAC from its port on the console.

In a neat touch, the iPad will communicate with a Fender USA-designed stereo system, which should pump out more than enough roar for you and the kiddies.

No word on pricing yet or when the Bulli might be available, but we wouldn't expect it until 2014 if it reaches production at all. Follow the jump for the official word from VW.

[Source: Volkswagen]

Continue reading Volkswagen Bulli Concept is a Microbus redux for Geneva

Volkswagen Bulli Concept is a Microbus redux for Geneva originally appeared on Autoblog on Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:55:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Storm Clouds: Gmail Failure Reinforces Danger Of Becoming Too Cloud-Dependent

Surely by now you've heard of the problems people have been having with their Gmail accounts. E-mails have been deleted, accounts have been disabled, and while Google has been hard at work trying to make everything right, it's just another example of why moving your entire life to the cloud may not always be the best idea.


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2012 Volkswagen Tiguan shows its new face in Geneva

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2012 Volkswagen Tiguan
2012 Volkswagen Tiguan - Click above for high-res image

The Volkswagen Tiguan is getting a makeover for the 2012 model year, and the changes will be on display this week at the Geneva Motor Show. Changes include a refreshed front end that incorporates the automaker's new sullen yet distinctive aesthetic.

The grille has been remade to mimic that of the new Jetta and Passat, with a pair of horizontal chrome strips that blend into the Tiguan's updated headlamps. Jumping up to the top SEL trim will net you updated peepers with Bi-Xenon lamps and the LED eyeliner treatment that seems to be all the rage these days. Volkswagen still hasn't released a photo of the Tiguan's new boot, but the post-jump press release tells us that the taillamps have been updated to reveal a "double L" pattern. SEL buyers will also get new 19-inch "Savannah" wheels designed by R GmbH.

VW made minor enhancements to the Tiguan's interior as well, including updated material choices and a rash of standard features. All 2012 Tiguan models will receive an eight-speaker sound system and Bluetooth, aux-in and heated side view mirrors.

The Tiguan will retain the excellent 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder, but fuel economy has been given a serious bump. VW claims the updated engine will fetch 29 miles per gallon in highway driving, up considerably from the 25 mpg of the outgoing model. Follow the jump to read over the the official press release, and click on the photo above for a closer look at the 2012 Tiguan.

[Source: Volkswagen]

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2012 Volkswagen Tiguan shows its new face in Geneva originally appeared on Autoblog on Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:54:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Live from the South Beach Wine & Food Festival

I deeply regret wearing open-toe ankle booties with 4-inch heels to the opening night Burger Bash at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival February 24. Not because the shoes were ruined. (I didn’t know the party was actually going to be on the beach!) But because said heels prevented me from running to the Umami Burger stand before the line for their slider-sized samples got ridiculous.

Featuring 26 competitors from across the country (including celeb chefs Bobby Flay, Spike Mendelsohn, and Masaharu Morimoto), the fifth annual burger throwdown hosted by Rachael Ray was a Amstel Light-fueled, grill-smoke-filled ode to the humble sandwich, with hundreds of hungry partygoers scarfing down burgers with accoutrements like Kurobuta bacon, foie gras, Oaxaca cheese, wasabi, and quail eggs.

I tried to pace myself, limiting myself to a bite (or two) of each burger in order to taste as many versions as possible. All in the name of journalistic due diligence, of course. Ingrid Hoffman’s “Delicioso Latin Burger” as well as Flay’s “Napa Valley Burger Crunchified” were my faves, though I never did get to snag one of Umami’s. But in the end, last year’s People’s Choice winner, Michael Symon emerged victorious again with his “Yo! Burger” (topped with fried salami, provolone, pickled onion and signature “shasha” sauce)—dashing his rivals’ hopes for ground meat domination.

At least till next year. When I’ll be sure to wear flip flops.


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