Thursday, February 24, 2011

Genius Bar To Make Housecalls?

There are a boatload of Apple rumors this week and it's only Wednesday. The one that I want to share with you first: reports that Apple's Genius Bar is launching a new service for small businesses called JointVenture. JointVenture would reportedly offer training and tech support by phone and even on-site, by appointment, for businesses that subscribe to the service.

Apple's Genius Bar currently only offers on-site advice in its retail stores.

It is being widely reported that Apple retail staffers are being directed to sign a non-disclosure agreeement in advance of a not-so-secret "all hands" meeting on Sunday, February 27th. The Boy Genius Report, however, broke the story that the meeting is about the launch of JointVenture. Apple has been talking about offering JointVenture for a year, with no definitive timeline.

Other Apple Rumors This Week

1. The launch of the iPad 2 will be delayed until September.

2. The launch of the iPhone 5 will be delayed, too!

3. Rumors No. 1 and No. 2 were both debunked before lunch on Tuesday, replaced by new rumors that Apple will actually be unveiling the new iPad 2 on March 2. The iPhone 5 is reportedly on schedule for the usual June launch.

4. Apple will be unveiling its latest updates in the MacBook Pro line this Thursday, which just also happens to be Steve Jobs' 56th birthday.

And many more, Mr. Jobs.


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