Sunday, February 20, 2011

Goldman Sachs Interview Nightmare: "I Said Erotic Instead Of Exotic" (GS)


An MBA professor -- we'll spare him the embarrassment of naming him -- still remembers the worst interview mistake he ever made.

During an interview for Goldman Sachs, he said "erotic" instead of "exotic."

"What can I say?" He says. "It was Goldman Sachs. Pressure."

Here's how he tells the story of the nightmare interview that happened during his senior year at Georgetown:

"She had asked about my having lived in Hawaii and the Pacific and I meant to say it was exotic, but I used the word erotic.

"The sad thing is the interviewer stopped me and asked me to repeat what I just said. And... I did (so I said it twice!)

"The interviewer closed her notepad and we started to discuss the weather and other interviewees until time was up. I was toast!

Luckily, he has a sense of humor about it. He joked: "Who knew "erotic bonds" and "exotic bonds" weren't the same thing? Investors would have been much happier with my version."

"I imagine Goldman Sachs is still talking about that interview 15 years later!"

And now, Goldman asks harder questions. Click here to see 2 interview questions from Goldman Sachs >

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